As a church we are committed to teaching children about Jesus from the Bible.
As well as learning about Jesus the groups do a range of age-appropriate activities including singing and games.
Lighthouse, Fortress and Rooted are weekly groups on Friday evenings during term time that provide a safe and fun environment for children to spend time together and hear the Bible taught.

Reception to year 2
School years 3-6
School years 7-13
Spring Term 2025
Friday 10th January - first session
Friday 21st February - half term (no groups)
Friday 4th April - last session
Summer Term 2025
Friday 25th April - first session
Friday 30th May - half term (no groups)
Friday 18th July - last session
The first time your child attends one of these groups, you will be asked to fill out a form with contact details and information about any allergies/health issues.
During Lighthouse and Fortress you are welcome to stay in our café for a drink and a chat while the children meet.
We recognise the vulnerability of children and young people in today's society and so operate a safeguarding policy for the protection of those in our care. In accordance with this policy, all children's and youth workers have been DBS checked and trained in basic safeguarding principles.
During our Sunday morning services we run "Treasure Hunters" groups for pre-school and primary-school-aged children. Children join us for the start of the service and then leave for their groups when directed to do so. There will be plenty of people around to show you where to go. The kids have great fun playing games and learning about Jesus in a way tailored to their age and understanding.
Treasure Hunters Creche - Creche for children up to 20 months
Treasure Hunters Toddlers - 20 months to 3 years old
Treasure Hunters Minis - Nursery & Reception (3 to 5 year olds)
Treasure Hunters Max - School years 1 - 6.
Once a month (usually on the second Sunday) we have an All-Age service. School-aged children stay in for the whole of our gathering (pre-school children leave for their groups as normal).

Our Tots group - Tots by the Park - meets
during term time on Tuesdays from 10am to 11am. Mums, Dads, Grandparents and child-minders are welcome. We hope to see you in September!
Click here for more information
There are also 'Grow Groups' for our teenagers. These groups meet fortnightly on Tuesday evenings at the church building. If you would like more information, please email dougal@enfieldtown.church.