| Colossians - Complete in Christ (5PM service) | Colossians tells us that we have everything we need in Christ - we don’t need to add to Him by spiritual practices or having spiritual experiences. There are no 1st or 2nd class Christians and there is no room for pride or judgmentalism in the church.
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 | The Ten Commandments (10AM service) | Jesus summarises the ten commandments with 2 commands: "Love the Lord your God", and "Love your neighbour". We hope that this series will help us pursue what Paul calls the obedience that comes from faith. The rules of life for rescued people.
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 | Prayers of the Past (10AM service) | Listening in to others pray is often the way we learn to pray. In this mini summer series we are going to be eavesdropping on the prayers of past saints and learning from them. Learning when to pray, how to pray, and importantly what we can pray.
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 | The Bible Overview (5PM service) | Can a book written over almost 2000 years by around 40 authors really be one story? Join us as we sweep through a Bible overview, looking at how God’s plan of salvation was made clear in the Bible through one unified redemptive story.
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 | To the One Who is Victorious (10AM service) | Revelation was written around 90AD to churches facing the threat of persecution, deception from false teaching, the draws of the world, and losing their love for Jesus. It encourages these churches to stay faithful to Jesus as the path to true victory.
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 | Jesus in the Sacrifices (5PM service) | In the opening chapters of Leviticus we are introduced to five types of offerings. We will see how these five offerings point us to the one sacrifice and offering of Jesus, and how they point us to how we can offer our lives to God today.
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 | Haggai - Build My House (5PM service) | Through the prophet Haggai, the LORD challenged returning exiles to “build my house” when they became distracted building their own houses and left the temple in ruins. This book will challenge and encourage us to get involved building God’s church today.
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 | 5 Reasons to Read the Bible (5PM service) | A short sermon series to go alongside our verse for the year 2024. Our hope is that this short series gives people five good bible reasons to be reading the bible for themselves and in our community.
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 | The Seven Sides of Salvation - Homepage | Join us as we dive into 7 descriptions of our salvation in the New Testament - like looking at a diamond from many different angles, we hope that these 7 different 'sides' of our salvation will gives us a greater view our the glory of our salvation
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 | Jonah - Homepage | This series dives into the book of Jonah. Lots of us will be familiar with this story, but we will be looking afresh at how this book shows us the character of God and His concern for our great city.
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 | Following the Rejected King Homepage | This series explores what it looks like to follow a king was and still is rejected by others. We will also see that the rejected king is the one who has power to judge and reject others in the judgement to come.
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 | Genesis: Living by Faith | This term we will be learning together from the life of Abraham from Genesis chapters 12 to 25. As
well as seeing the world restoring promises of God, we will be learning together what it looks like to
live by faith in those promises.
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 | Romans: Obedience that Comes from Faith | Romans chapters 12 to 16 teach the church in Rome how the gospel of Jesus (Chapters 1-11) should
shape their lives as individuals and as a community. In these chapters we are reading of the
obedience to Jesus that should come from their faith in Jesus.
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 | Jesus in the Jewish Festivals | The LORD gave the Jewish people seven annual festivals to assemble them for worship, remember his rescue, and over time lead them to their Messiah.
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 | The Church | In our 5PM services we start a brand new series, investigating together the descriptions of the Church in the New Testament, from 'Family', to 'Body' and 'Temple' (and more!).
Join us as we re-discover the beauty of God's design for the Church.
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 | Nehemiah - Rebuild | Nehemiah records for us how God is rebuilding His city and His people from the ruins caused by their rebellion against Him. As we journey through this book together we will learn lessons about being part of God's greater rebuilding project, the church, wi
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 | Hebrews - Jesus is Better | There are many reasons to drift away from Jesus. Especially when the going gets tough. Hebrews is an exhortation to stick with Jesus as he is better in every way and will alone bring us through to the eternal rest of heaven.
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 | Easter 2022 | Join us as we investigate and celebrate the good news that Easter reminds us of!
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 | Living Hope | Believers in Jesus have been given living hope. This New Testament letter will help us to grasp that living hope and stand firm in it even though we are currently scattered throughout the world and suffering all kinds of trials.
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 | One Another | "One Another" is a phrase that appears over 100 times in the New Testament. About 59 of those instruct believers how (and how not!) to treat each other. This term we will be learning what it means to be church together. We will learn how to "one another."
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 | Work | A sermon series about what the Bible says about work.
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 | The Best Life | Our Evening Series from Summer 2015 considering the Beatitudes (the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5).
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 | Head Heart Hands | 2013-2014 Saturday Morning sessions helping us to know the gospel, love the gospel and share the gospel.
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