Commencing 15th September at our 10AM Services
They ten commandments have shaped many legal systems, been inscribed on many walls, and been memorized by many children, and used to disciple many Christians for thousands of years. They are also very misunderstood. In fact many people think that being a Christian means being someone who keeps the ten commandments. However probably very few people could name them including those of us who follow the Lord Jesus!
In this series we are going to see how they paint a beautiful portrait of God the law giver, show us how far short we have fallen of the way he made us to live, lead us to Jesus as our saviour, and should still shape the way we live as his saved people today.
As followers of Jesus our relationship to these laws has changed. Although we are not under law but under grace they still have a place in our lives as Christians. As one pastor puts it they have been transformed not trashed. Jesus summarises these 10 commands with 2 commands: "Love the Lord your God", and "Love your neighbour".
We hope that this series will help us pursue what Paul calls the obedience that comes from faith. The rules of life for rescued people.
You can listen to all of the sermons in this series below: