Bitesize Stories
Christians are ordinary people who have come to understand that Jesus died in their place so that they could have a personal and everlasting relationship with God - rather than the punishment they deserve. We asked some of our church members to tell their stories of how they came to put their trust in Jesus.

Like many people, I was brought up by loving parents who attended the local church occasionally. I went along and was involved from time to time in various activities. However, I never heard anything I thought was particularly relevant to me.
I left home and went to University. On arrival I met a group of friends in my hall who were strong Christians. Thinking I was a Christian, I sometimes attended church with them on a Sunday. I quickly realised that I wasn’t a Christian at all! I had never heard a message from the Bible directly before - that I needed to ask Jesus Christ to be my Saviour. That was a shock! I’d always assumed Christianity was just about going to church now and again and the odd prayer when I was in trouble.
Through the weeks of the first term, I learnt a lot - both at church and through talking to my friends. I realised God wanted more than just an occasional visit to church. Jesus had died on the cross so that I could have a relationship with Him. However, before that relationship could start, I needed to admit my need of forgiveness and ask Jesus to become my Lord – letting Him take charge of my life.
I eventually reached the point where I accepted my need for forgiveness and wanted to start afresh, living a life trying to please Jesus. Since then, many things have changed and life has had lots of ups and downs. However, Jesus has been a constant friend and help and I am increasingly aware that living to please Him is what life is really all about.
Andrew Wright, EEFC member since 2003

I became a Christian in 2005 after my beloved wife and best friend, Anna, was diagnosed with cancer. I saw Anna endure tremendous pain during her illness. But as her body grew weaker and weaker, her faith in the Lord Jesus grew stronger and stronger. Despite her intense pain, she was always cheerful, continually concerned for others and had a great sense of peace. I saw that it was Anna’s rock solid faith in the Lord Jesus that enabled her to face each day. On 22 February 2006, Anna went home to her Heavenly Father. I thank God that even in the face of death she knew the peace and joy that come from walking with Him.
Through her battle with cancer, I began to see Anna’s faith in a new light. Although I had attended Enfield Evangelical Free Church for around 20 years I hadn’t really taken much in. Her illness reminded me of the fleeting nature of life. I also saw the love of the church family displayed in countless ways. I started to read the Bible and found it awesome: the words came alive to me and I wanted to read it more and more. I was also encouraged by studying Mark’s gospel with one of the pastors. I came to understand that Jesus died on the cross taking the punishment for my sins. This demanded a personal response. As Mark 1:15 says, “The Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the Good News”. I turned to Christ and asked for His forgiveness.
I’m grateful to God for His work in my life. The Lord Jesus is truly my Saviour and, by His grace, I will follow Him day by day and step by step.
Joe Attridge, EEFC member since 2006.

I went to Sunday School during the war, whilst staying with my Grandparents. My parents weren’t church goers but this was just the thing to do in those days. Here I learnt all the Bible stories and would have said that I believed in God. When we moved to Enfield I started going to a local church. I helped regularly with the Sunday school and as a teenager became a Cub leader.
Although I was heavily involved in church, it wasn’t until a number of years later that I understood what being a Christian was really about. Having got to know another family through my son, my husband and I started attending a local church. One Saturday I heard a Bible talk which God used to bring me to trust Jesus for myself. Before then I had known ABOUT Him but didn’t know Him personally. That evening I came to understand what He’d done for me – dying in my place so I could have a relationship with Him. I put my faith in Him and I was baptised a short time later. That’s now over 30 years ago.
Since then I have been very aware of God’s gracious help and blessing - even in really difficult times. . I am particularly grateful for the support and prayers of many Christian friends - It’s wonderful to be able to come to God in prayer. As I look to the future, I trust that God will fulfill His purposes in His timing. I can leave it with Him.
Margaret Rowsell, EEFC Member since January 2014

I became a Christian 18 years ago while on holiday in England (I was born in France). I was staying with my uncle who was a pastor. Whilst I was there, the House Group in their home was studying John 1. I was really struck by the discussion I heard and I wanted to know more about Jesus. I started reading the Bible 1:1 with someone and, that summer, put my trust in Jesus.
Knowing Jesus changes everything. I now have a relationship with my Creator. I know I’m forgiven – Jesus died in my place, taking the punishment I deserve. As a result, I can be certain where I’m going when I die. Eternity also changes my perspective on the struggles and difficulties I face – I know that the pain and battles of this world are only temporary and that God is working through them ALL. Trusting Jesus has also given me a new passion – I want to share the good news of Him with others. It’s easy to want to be accepted and popular. I’m sometimes tempted to stay quiet. But we have a great Saviour – the Good News is worth sharing and we can rely on Him for help!
That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Living as a Christian is a real challenge. Trusting Jesus should impact every area of life –my relationships, my work, how I use my time and my money and decisions both big and small. It’s a constant battle to put God first – genuinely to say “Your will” be done. It’s wonderful that, through Jesus, we can approach Him with confidence and cry out for help. We can rely on Him: He will provide everything we need for everything that we face. I also give thanks for Christian friends who have encouraged and challenged me when I’ve felt weak. I’ve also learnt so much through groups at EEFC (such as Table Talk and Together). It’s such an encouragement to meet together with others around God’s word – helping each other to keep looking to Him.
Sandrine Mpasi, EEFC member
"I was brought up by my family as a Catholic. As a child, I went to church on a Sunday, got involved in church activities and we would pray individually and as a family. I went to a Catholic primary and secondary school and as I grew older I became more involved helping out at the church connected to my school. However, the focus was not on the Bible, Jesus or the cross.
I came to really know Jesus Christ as an adult through a University friend, who read John's Gospel with me and went through studies from Christianity Explored. Although I believed in God before this, it was not until then that I fully understood what Jesus Christ had done for me on the cross. I realised that I needed to turn to God and repent and began to see what it truly meant to have a personal relationship with Him. I was excited by digging deeper into the Bible in a way I had never experienced before. I started to understand that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross for me and that changed everything in my life – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2 v 8).
Looking back, I can see that there had been lots of unhelpful distractions and traditions as I’d grown up – such as praying to Mary and the saints. Catholic Mass took the focus off Christ and the one final and sufficient sacrifice He made for us personally as sinners. There had also a focus on the works you do to please God, instead of God’s grace being sufficient. I thank God that my relationship with Him does not depend on what I do - it rests on what Jesus has done for me."