ETCC Statement on Servant Hearted Leadership
The Elders of ETCC are aware of a number of recent sad situations where evangelical churches and individual Christians have been hurt, and in some cases, seriously damaged, by church leaders. As the spiritual leaders and Trustees of ETCC, we formally confirm our commitment to openness and accountability, amongst ourselves, within the ETCC church family and across the wider evangelical church locally and nationally. We humbly acknowledge that none of us fully meets the standards of Biblical leadership we should and that we all fall far short of the ultimate example of servant hearted leadership, our Lord Jesus Christ.
We recognise our responsibilities to enhance and protect the reputation of ETCC and above all that of our Lord Jesus and His Gospel. We also take our duty of care to individuals in the church family and church staff personally and pastorally very seriously. We commit to the following principles of Biblical, servant hearted, church leadership:
Leaders must serve – not exploit: Mark 10: 42 – 45
Leaders must be gentle – not dominating: 1 Timothy 3: 2 – 3; 2 Timothy 2: 24-25 and 1 Peter 5: 2 – 3
Leaders must apply God’s Word – not our opinions: 2 Timothy 4: 2
Leaders must be respected – not protected: 1 Timothy 5: 17 and Hebrews 13: 17
Leaders must be assessed – not unaccountable: 1 Timothy 5: 19
We actively encourage any member of our church family, or anyone else, who has any concerns about any issue in the life of ETCC, and particularly its leadership, to raise them in complete confidence, either with one of the ETCC Elders, with one of the Pastors of one of the other churches in the local Together for Mission Partnership or with the national Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, to which ETCC belongs and which is also fully committed to addressing any issues where church leaders are putting the reputation of the Gospel and care of individuals at risk.
- The Elders of Enfield Town Community Church