Commencing 3rd March 2024 at our 5PM Services
Through the prophet Haggai, the LORD challenges returning exiles to “build my house.” It seems that
they had become distracted with building their own houses and left the temple in ruins (Ch 1:9).
Despite God sending them the warning signs of covenant unfaithfulness (Deut 28:20-40) no one
joined the dots (Ch 1:5, 10). So the LORD calls them to action and to get building the temple (Ch 1:8).
The people obey (Ch 1:12) and set to work under the leadership of Zerubbabel (son of David – see
Matthew 1:12-13), Joshua the priest, and Haggai the prophet. (NB that temple building is lead by
and supervised by prophet, priest and king).
Through 4 oracles of Haggai given over 4 months the LORD calls the to the work and encourages
them in the work. He encourages them with a promise to be with them (1:13, 2:4). He encourages
them with a promise of glory of the new temple – as promise of Jesus coming to the temple and the
spirit who lives in the church (2:6-9). He encourages them with a promise of blessing (2:19). He
encourages them with a leader who acts on the LORD’s behalf to establish God’s kingdom.
My hope is that this book of Haggai will challenge and encourage us to get involved in building God’s
house (the church) today. Challenging us about being so wrapped up in building our own houses that
we neglect to build God’s house. Encouraging us that he’s with us, that we’re part of something
glorious, that he will bless us and that Jesus the promised king leads us.
Build my house…
1. Chapter 1 - …not just your own
2. Chapter 2:1-9 - …I am with you
3. Chapter 2:10-19 - …I will bless you
4. Chapter 2:20-23 - …under the LORD’s chosen house builder
This outline follows the 4 oracles and fits most with the book structure. There is cross over in sermon
one and sermon two as the words “I am with you” are repeated. The first “I am with you” (1:13) stirs
them to action (1:14-15). The second “I am with you” (2:4) comes a month into building and helps
them through the discouragement of it seeming like a small & weak work.
You can listen to all of the sermons in this series below: